If you’re just getting started with Siteleaf you’re in for a treat. The new Version Two of the service—still in Beta as of late 2015—is chock-full of nice touches. Of course Jekyll integration is the big news here but the folks at Oak have a consistently clean and pleasing approach to UI that makes the service a pleasure to use. This is especially important if you’re a developer getting ready to hand the site off to clients and/or content managers.

Whether it’s drag-and-drop file uploads, or the metadata manager, the Siteleaf UI can make managing your content as close to intuitive as possible. As of this writing the service is still in Beta so documentation is a work in progress but you can find what is available here: http://www.siteleaf.com/help/v2/.


  • Sign up for a free account.
  • Create a Github repo with this or some other valid Jekyll project.
  • In Siteleaf, connect your Github repository. You don’t have to sync with Github in order to use Siteleaf but if you plan to make any kind of changes to theme files, or work on content locally, it’s the best way.
  • Publish. One of the great things about Siteleaf is that you can publish wherever you want—Github, Amazon S3, Rackspace, FTP/SFTP, etc. And now in V2 not only is the static output of the site portable, but since it’s just a Jekyll project, all of the site code is too. You can push it to Github and have them build the site. You can sync to your local repository and build locally if you want, it’s up to you.